Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Things That Are Different

Welcome to my first installation of "Things That Are Different."

This a where I shall explore with photos and dialogue all the things that are different in Germany as compared to the United States.  I have been building up a list so I can hit you with a bunch of things at once.  Shall we begin? 

Number 1: The Number One

Pictured above are handwritten numbers.  It says 12.10.15, but as you can see, Germans draw the Number One with an extra flare on top.  When I initially saw this, if figured it was just a personal style choice for the single person who wrote it, but as the weeks have gone on, I realize that everyone forms the number one in the same way.  

Number 2: The Date

The picture that I used to demonstrate the alternative formation of the number one, I will also use to demonstrate the way Germans write the date.  12.10.15 means October 12th, 2015.  They reverse the month and the day when they write it out and then separate each number by periods instead of backslashes like we do.  

Number 3: Sidewalks

In Germany there are no large concrete slabs of sidewalk that will eventually crack because a tree root grew under it or separate so that one piece sticks up 3 inches higher than the next piece causing you and everyone else to trip every time you are too busy text-walking to realize that the sidewalk is uneven. 

No.  In Germany the sidewalks are arranged in smaller pieces to create an interesting parquet design.  This is both pleasing to the eye and it prevents extreme cracking.  If a tree root grows underneath, the little pieces just roll along gracefully, allowing a little extra room for nature to do its thing.  

The other notable thing about German sidewalks, is that they are often divided so that the right side is intended for walking and the left side is designated for biking.  It is important to remember this and  to take care not to drift into the biking lane when you are mindlessly strolling down the road. 


Number 4: Door Knobs

They are beautiful!  So many intricate door knobs can be found all over the place.  And they all work too!  This is amazing to me because I grew up in an lovely old home where the doors are pretty standard but don't really work that well.  None of the doors really closed and I figured it was just another little element of character that comes with living in a cute old home.  You know, creaky floor boards, plaster walls, arched ceilings, interesting roof line, and slightly ajar doors all over the place.  But a lot of these German doors are pretty old too and they still close really well with their fancy old door knobs!  Blows my mind.  Maybe it just isn't as humid here so the wood doesn't warp as much over time.  Here are a few other door knobs and related hardware for you to appreciate...

They are all so pretty.  If a door knob is not ornate, then they are perfectly ergonomic and rather modern looking.  It seems to be either one or the other here.  The ergonomic ones are typically brushed silver with a lateral skinny handle that you push down to activate making them more handicap accessible than a knob that you would have to grip and turn. 

Number 5: Fences 

Where in the US we have vertical picket fences, in Germany the fences are built on diagonals.  Pictured above is one of many fences I saw in the suburbs of Frankfurt when I went on that long walk in search of a guitar capo.  

 Number 6: Graffiti 

It's everywhere!  I don't know when or how people do it without getting caught, but somehow they manage.  If you own a building in the city, I bet you have to repaint ever 6 months or else just embrace the "self expression" that some angsty youth applied in the middle of the night. 

Number 7: Crosswalks

Respect the little red man!  

Germans do not, I repeat DO NOT cross when there is a little red man.  There could be 20 people lined up along the side of the street and absolutely no cars coming, but still they wait.  It's hysterical.  I'll be standing on the sidewalk with the crowd of obedient Germans, no cars in sight, and like any normal impatient American, I step out into the street and start to cross.  This bold move stirs all kinds of reactions.  It's clear some are totally judging me.  It's the first time in my life I've felt like a real rule breaker.  Others don't hesitate to follow and quickly step off the curb with me.  They just needed a brave leader.  Still other pedestrians appear totally conflicted.  A complicated dialogue is running through their heads, "She did it.  I've been wanting to do it but no one else was doing it but she did it so maybe I should too but I my gosh I can't!  It's against the rules!  Should I do it? Ahhhh!!!  I just don't know!"  

I didn't realize this whole cross walk thing was a big deal at first.  Now I follow the rules and wait for the green man... most of the time. 

Number 8: Potties

German toilets are so funny!  They just stick straight out of the wall.  And the flusher is usually mounted above.  It's just a little button you push.  I guess the water is in a tank that is built into the wall somehow.  

Number 9: Coffee

It's so good!  The Germans love frothy milk!  I have become completely hooked on latte macchiatos.  I'm pretty sure it's the same as what we call a latte in the US.  They serve them in glass cups so you can see how pretty they are before you mix them all up.  I actually made the one pictured above at home with my new and very inexpensive milk frother.  I realized that it would be much cheaper to get a milk frother and make the coffee at home than going to a coffee shop every day. Plus, I think I make them just as pretty as the coffee shops! 

Number 10: Street Meat Vendors

These guys are NOT lazy.  In the US the hot dog guy usually has a cart on wheels, but here, the sausage guy actually wears his own personal grill on a harness and has a backpack condiment dispenser plus a built in umbrella!  Incredible! 

 Number 11: Lunch

While we are on the subject of food, let me introduce you to Frau Schreiber.  She is an institution in Frankfurt as she serves the best sausages in the city.  She's the woman in the blue vest pictured above.  Admittedly not the most flattering picture of her, but a girl's got to work with what she's got.  Frau Schreiber serves the best Fleischwurst, which is essentially a fat hot dog.  She isn't the only one.  Every market, deli counter, and restaurant sells Fleischwurst.   

 But Frau Schreiber boils hers and then thoughtfully peals the skin off of them for you so they aren't too crunchy when you bite into them.  At lunch time, the streets are packed with people holding a sausage in one hand and a roll in the other with a blob of mustard on a plate.  Let me be clear, they do not put the sausage on the roll.  That would look silly.  The two entities remain completely separate.  The people alternate munching one bite bread and one bite hand-held sausage wrapped in wax paper.  Frau Schreiber will also throw in a pickle if you are feeling a little low on veggies. 

Number 12: American Dressing

I didn't know we had a salad dressing!  I've heard of Italian dressing and Russian dressing, but this is the first time I've ever seen American dressing.  It kind of cracked me up!  

Number 13: Water

You have to buy it.  They don't really do tap water in Germany.  And it's usually expensive.  I think this little one was 3 euros!  To put that in perspective, we have bought a full size bottle of wine for 3 euros.  You also have to specify if you want "Selterswasser" or "Stil" (pronounced selterz-vassehr or shteel).  The Germans love the bubbly water. 

Number 14: Foreigners Get to Vote

A giant ballot came in the mail at Mikko and Inna's house.  Since they are from Finland they don't vote in the regular German election, but the German government cares about its foreigners too.  The ballot is the size of a newspaper with long lists of names.  The instructions on the top indicate that you get to vote 37 times.  

 Number 15: Elevators

Or whatever this thing is!  This contraption totally blew my mind!  It's like an elevator with no doors that moves continuously.  This would NEVER happen in the US.  Way too much liability.  The side on the left moves up, while the right side moves down taking you from floor to floor.  It's pretty fast too.  You have to jump on when the platform is level with the floor and then for God's sake, keep your limbs inside the vehicle!  

Number 16: Emergency Vehicles

This is my favorite thing.  The picture doesn't really provide any insight as to why I love the emergency vehicles in Germany.  The ambulances in particular are incredible.  I don't have a good picture of one yet, but when I get one, I'll post it.  

The reason I love them is because they were designed by a genius.  I'm quite sure of this.  They are equipped with two sets of speakers to project the sirens.  One set points forward in the direction of travel, and the other point backward.  The speakers pointing forward play the sirens in a major third.  For those not musically inclined, that means two notes are played in succession and if you could ascribe feelings to music, I'd say the sirens sound happy.  

As the ambulance passes, you pick up the sound from the sirens being projected from the back of the ambulance.   These speakers play two notes in a minor third this time, making them sound sad.  It's incredible!  It tells you whether there is an emergency vehicle coming toward you (so you can move out of the way) or driving away from you even when you can't see it!  Genius! 

Ok.  That is all for "Things That Are Different" today.  Maybe I'll post another installment if I collect more interesting differences.  


  1. I love the door knobs, the street meat vendor, the American Dressing ( what does it taste like? I'm guessing maybe Ranch?) and finally I love the crazy elevator! Very fun post! I also love the post about the little red man! Very funny! Did you check to make sure you are not breaking a law if you step out on red!? I mean is some cities here, J - walking is illegal!

  2. It is quite possible that crossing on the red man is illegal, which is probably why no one does it. I think the American Dressing is like a mix of mayo and ketchup. We haven't tried it yet, but it's kind of orange-ish and there is a picture of a tomato on the bottle so who knows!

  3. Crossing the street with the red man is super dangerous, because of the cultural difference. Since people obey the street lights to a fault, people aren't "squashing the tomato" when they're driving, but they also aren't expecting people to be in the street when they are coming to an intersection. ... and then they are driving FAST. German drivers aren't really crazy. They just all follow the rules, but if you're the one not following the rules, they can seem pretty crazy.

  4. Crossing the street with the red man is super dangerous, because of the cultural difference. Since people obey the street lights to a fault, people aren't "squashing the tomato" when they're driving, but they also aren't expecting people to be in the street when they are coming to an intersection. ... and then they are driving FAST. German drivers aren't really crazy. They just all follow the rules, but if you're the one not following the rules, they can seem pretty crazy.
