Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Christmas Market And A Friendly Visit

The day after Thanksgiving, an amazing thing happens in Germany: Christmas Markets spontaneously appear as if by magic!  Overnight, an elaborate seasonal village is born in the middle of the city with quaint wooden huts, merry-go-rounds, and Christmas trees while the delightful smells of roasted nuts waft over the scene.  People warm their hands and insides by sipping a traditional spiced wine (Glühwein) from ceramic mugs, while vendors of wooden trinkets and handmade Christmas ornaments greet paying customers with a smile. 

Biggest chocolate covered pretzel EVER!

Fritz and I were thrilled to explore the Christmas Market with our friend Evan who came to visit us from London for the weekend.  

Evan and Fritz drinking their Glühwein 

Evan is from Holland originally, but he currently lives in London so he was able to hop over to Frankfurt and hang out with us!  

Evan's buddy, BJ owns a wine bar in a pretty classy Frankfurt neighborhood, so we headed down to spend the evening with him.  Following a lovely Happy Hour in BJ's wine bar, we found ourselves in a traditional German restaurant.  

Evan wanted to eat dinner at a long wooden table where the people are served pitchers of Apfelwein and the menu options include Schnitzel, Schnitzel and Schnitzel. 

We obviously got the Schnitzel and shared a few orders of Handkäse mit Musik as an appetizer.  

Pictured above is the Handkäse which literally translates to hand cheese.  It is a culinary specialty in Frankfurt- cheese balls are squished into form by hand; hence the name.  It is often served with onions, vinegar and a side of brot.  They call it "mit Musik" because the vinegar and onions can sometimes result in a little "music" a few hours later, if you know what I mean. 

Fritz, BJ and Evan with a pitcher of Apfelwein to share

1 comment:

  1. What neat buildings in the background of the market! I always wanted to go to a German Christmas Market. The sausage roaster is very cool! I am not sure about the Handkase but the pretzel looks awesome! Right up my alley! Nice to have friends come and visit!
