Thursday, May 12, 2016

Bye Bye Beautiful Apartment, Hello Europe!

As Fritz and I are quickly approaching the end of our time in Berlin, it dawned on me that I never gave you a tour of our lovely apartment on Crellestraße.  

After quite the run-around to find our fall housing in Frankfurt, we felt that we really hit the jackpot in Berlin!  The owners of our flat, Ulf and Bettina, were leaving for a 4-month holiday in South America which perfectly coincided with the period of time we were planning on being in town.  In the 7 years that they have lived here, they have never rented out their apartment to anyone else, so it is filled with charm and homey touches, unlike the made-for-rental flats that are full of the cheapest Ikea furniture and tacky (if any) decor.  

I've taken pictures so you can experience the loveliness for yourself.  

The entranceway to the building is a great place to start.  The detail on the walls and in the molding are quite decorative and intricate.  

The dining room is to the right of the door when you first enter our flat.  It has doubled as a guest bedroom for all of our visitors.  That white couch in the back pulls out into a rather comfortable bed. 

The living room was pretty awesome and the 1950s decor made us feel like we were on the set of Mad Men!

Bettina said that Ulf contributed the massive blue couch and the rest of the furnishing and decorations were her inspiration. 

The kitchen.

The cute little beach-themed bathroom. 

And our sunny bedroom.  I spent many mornings sitting in the big window, listening to the birds and gazing down into the courtyard in the back of our building. 

And this is our street.  Now that spring is fully upon us, there is a lovely canopy of green leaves that shelters the sidewalk.

I'm sharing these views of our apartment just as Fritz and I are moving out of it.  Ulf and Bettina are returning from South America, and I have only two weeks to go before leaving Europe and heading back to the Homeland.  Fritz will stay for another month after I go to finish up his research.  

Our adventures in Germany are coming to an end, but before they do, my incredible fiancé has planned a romantic, 2-week train trip.  We'll head to Prague for the first leg, then an overnight train to Paris for 6 days, then Amsterdam where we will sleep on a boat!  A final train ride will take us back Berlin where I'll have one day to pick up the last load of pottery, say a final farewell to my friends here, and board a plane headed for New York City.    

Stay tuned for an explosion of pictures from our Euro-Adventure!

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