Thursday, December 15, 2016

Goodnight and The End

The Amsterdam sun waited until after 10pm before it retreated below the horizon.  The longer days were a welcome gift as every hour that passed was inevitably taking us one step closer to the end of our time together in Europe.  We made the most of every minute of daylight.  But even as the last streaks of twilight faded dark and night invaded the sky, Amsterdam came alive with a new kind of magic. 

The reflection of city lights danced on the water enchanting our midnight stroll home.  

Back on the deck of our cozy boat, we lit candles and talked until the lids of our eye grew heavy.  It didn't take long considering the number of miles we had covered over the course of the day. 

The view from our boat was peaceful and still.  Every so often, a passing duck would paddle by leaving ripples on the water's surface obscuring the reflection of trees and lights.  

Our sleeping cabin.

One by one, we'd blow out the candles and cuddle down into our sleeping bags, shutting our eyes to another wonderful day of memories together.  

We left Amsterdam on Saturday, May 28th 2016.  The train took us back to Berlin where we packed up the suitcases I was charged with bringing back to the US.  Fritz was sending me home a month ahead of him so I could prepare for our August wedding while he finished his research in the archives.  

Even now, half a year later, I can remember the ache deep in my core.  I remember the pointless attempts both of us made at trying to disguise our tears as I weaved through the security line at the Berlin Airport, desperately savoring every last glance I could get of my love who watched me shuffle through the metal detectors and out of sight.   

What do you say at the end of a year like we had?  How can I begin to recap the memories that Fritz and I made together?  How do I summarize what we learned about Germany?  About the world?  Is it possible to articulate the perspective that making a life abroad provided?  How do I encompass the richness gained from the friendships we made in this place?   Is it even possible to express what we learned about ourselves and the love we share for one another?  I suspect I could continue to write for the next 3 years and still not fully unpack everything these journeys in Germany have given us as we embark on our next adventure as a married couple.  I suppose, for now, the best I can do is echo Fritz's words and simply say, "Thanks for a great stay and we hope we can come back sometime soon!"

The end...

... or perhaps the beginning.

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