Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Cyber Apple Cake Baking with Irma

We did it again!  You might remember the last time Irma and I baked together over skype, but if you missed it, check out the time we baked pinwheels!

Just to remind you, Irma is my very dear friend whom I met when we both lived in the US.  Now Irma lives in Austria with her family.  This is lovely because it means we are in the same timezone unlike everyone else in my life.  

We skype pretty often and on this day, we decided to make an apple cake after I requested a dessert that could be made in a springform pan.  Our kitchen came equipt with a springform pan along with many other advanced cooking tools.  

Irma picked the recipe and provided all the instructions.  And now I shall pass it on to you.  

It's quite simple really.  

Oven Temp: 350° F

4-5 eggs (separated)
4 apples
1 Cup sugar
1 Cup flour
cinnamon and sugar topping
butter for greasing your springform pan

Start out by separating your eggs so the yokes are in one bowl, and the whites are in a medium-sized mixing bowl. 

Whisk the whites until they begin to make soft peaks- like if you have ever made a meringue.  I haven't personally, but I saw my mom do it once.  Egg yokes never looked so appetizing.  But don't eat the stuff... I promise it doesn't taste as good as it looks.  Honestly. 

Add your cup of sugar and keep whisking until the egg white peaks are a bit firmer than before. 

Gently and briefly whisk in the yokes.  The meringue will flatten a little but not too much. 

Add in your one cup of sifted flour.  As you can see, I don't have a real measuring cup since the Germans use the metric system, but this approximate cup should be close enough.  And isn't that little metal sifter just the cutest?  Very carefully fold in the flour.  You don't want to take all the air out of your fluffy meringue.  

When it is just mixed, dump that stuff in your greased pan.  Try not to touch it too much.  Every time you touch it, you take some of the air out of it.  Irma was very clear on this. 

Now it's time to chop your apples and artfully display them on top of the fluffy batter.  

Once that's done, sprinkle your cinnamon and sugar mixture over the top of the apples. 

Put it in the oven for about 30 minutes.  You'll know it's done when the cake feels a bit springy if you gently push down on the apples in the middle.  

Tah-dah!  A beautiful apple cake!  

You can remove the outer part of the pan after it cools.

Let's thank our host, Chef Irma!  

Thank you Irma!  Your culinary expertise continues to impress and satisfy the mouths of many!

Now eat that tasty little morsel! 


  1. Your pictures are sooo perfect!!

    Yum! How did Fritz like it?

    Next time you can use my little helpers in person! :)

    Also, the "recipe" should probably say "2 apples" not "5" ..... 5 would be ..... umm... 60 slices of apple. That's umm, maybe too many. Not that it's not allowed.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sounds like a yummy easy recipe. Did you use tart or sweet apples? i may try it. Yesterday I was making yummy brownies for brownie sundaes while you were making apple cake!
