Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Our First Berlin Visitors

After our week in Ireland, Fritz's parents followed us back to Berlin for a short visit.  

We were excited to show them "our city" complete with a trip to the famous Brandenburg Gate, a view of the federal buildings, a walk past Check Point Charlie, and a pass by a remaining section of the Berlin Wall. 

Mike happily allowed himself to be absorbed into the magic of the "moving statue woman." 

And the spring birds nibbled the budding trees. 

We took the train to the East Side Gallery, one of the largest and longest-lasting open-air galleries in the world.  It is an international memorial for freedom painted on a strip of the Berlin Wall stretching 1.3 kilometers.  105 paintings by artists from all over the world were completed in 1990 after the fall of the Wall in 1989.  

"Many small people who in many small places do many small things that can alter the face of the world."

Unfortunately, we got caught in a downpour so there is still a stretch of the East Side Gallery that we did not get to see.  

Mike and Ellen were pleased to see how popular their son's name is in Germany.  "Fritz" is all over the place... from a sausage stand, to a popular soft-drink company, to the name of our wifi provider.

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