Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Sibs in Berlin: Potsdam

After our awesome trip to Potsdam with Frederic and Johanna, we decided to bring the sibs there too.  Here we are standing in front of the Brandenberg Gate. 

Jarrod, Becca and I stood in front of this rack of tea for about 10 minutes just cracking up.  The tea company cleverly translated commonly used German idioms to English and they had us in stitches!  Fritz and Chris eventually had to drag us away.  Some other favorites include: "you make me fix and ready," "you have no idea of tooting and blowing," and "you go me animally on the cookie."

There were some beautiful ducks hanging around the Palace Sanssouci.  

Fritz really really wanted me to take a picture of this windmill.  I didn't like the lighting as the bright sun in the middle of the day was causing the windmill to be a bit backlit and off balance with the bright sky, but I think I'll get in trouble if I don't post it.  This one is for you Fritz. 

Fritz and I have decided this is "Lover's Arch" so we put Becca and Chris under it for a photo. 

Then I took a picture of Jarrod leaping for joy...

...and another one...

...and one more for good luck!  He's just so good at that!  That's the New Palace in the background.  

These were the statues lining the roof of the New Palace which was built 20 years after the Palace Sanssouci.   

1 comment:

  1. I love the first family shot! The duck is amazing! The tea is beyond me?! As Jessica would say, "I don ged it!" Gotta love Jarrod's leaping shots! It reminded me of when you two drove across the country!
