Friday, October 2, 2015

Bound for Deutschland

Germany!  Here we come!  Fritz flies in on Saturday after a conference in Switzerland and meets me at the airport Sunday after my flight from the US of A.  We will spend the first two months or so in Frankfurt- a major city known to be the financial center of Germany.  After the holidays we plan to spend the rest of our time, with occasional trips, in Berlin.  Berlin, the country's vibrant and artsy capitol.  I think I'm going to love it!

Due to our transient nature for the next 8-10 months, Fritz and I have each packed one large suitcase and one smaller carry-on.  We have yet to set up any kind of long term housing, but we are using AirBnB for the first week we arrive.  We've learned that the housing in Frankfurt during this time of year is both expensive and hard to come by, but I'm feeling confident that we will have more than a tent over our head by the time we hit our second week.  Here's to adventure!

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