Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Museum of Modern Art

Saturday morning we headed over to the Frankfurt Museum of Modern Art (or Museum Fur Moderne Kunst).  A new exhibit had just debuted the day before featuring the work of William Forsythe.  His art was highly interactive so Fritz and I had some fun!  

This huge screen projected the live video feed from a camera positioned above. It made our limbs wobble as we moved across the screen.  

We had a lot of fun with this installation.  An entire room filled with rings to monkey through! 

I don't know if we are making it look easy in these pictures, but it wasn't.  I guess I need to keep working on my pull-ups.  

The architecture of the building itself was quite interesting.  It was shaped like a triangle and had sneaky overlooks. 

Large empty white walls always make me want to take a few double exposures.  I just can't help myself.  


  1. I always love your double exposures. You have such an eye for them! What a wild exhibit!

  2. I always love your double exposures. You have such an eye for them! What a wild exhibit!

  3. I love the wobbly limbs and ring pics! Looks very fun! Double exposures are so cool!

  4. YAY! Looks like a blast. You guys are too cool.
