Saturday, October 31, 2015

Burger Cravings!

The truth is... I really REALLY love cheeseburgers.  I know they aren't very good for me and I know I'm in Frankfurt and not Hamburg (I should be eating hot dogs instead of hamburgers), but sometimes a person just needs a burger!  

Well lucky me!  The burger gods must have heard my deepest darkest desires and when I was walking around today, as I often do while Fritz is busy doing scholarly things, I stumbled on a little burger place!  I casually scoped it out and noted the subway stop nearby so I would be able to find it again when it was actually dinner time.  

I texted Fritz and informed him of the plan.  When he got out of his German class, we met at the Alte Oper subway stop.  This is the site of the famous Frankfurt Opera House.  Totally beautiful at night!

Burgerschmiede was just across the street from the opera house square.  We looked up "Schmiede" by the way, and learned that it means Smithy in English.  So Burger Smithy!  That's where we got dinner on a fine Friday night!

We walked in and a goofy bald guy who I am guessing was the owner enthusiastically greeted us!  And for the second time this week, someone told me they recognized me from when I passed by their shop earlier that day.  I have got to learn how to be a little more stealthy!  These Germans are watching me!  The owner was extremely friendly and quite gregarious.  He continued to sing random English pop-songs throughout our meal in a loud, off-key voice.  Naturally, I sang along with him as any self-respecting Schlenker would do.  

It was a very hip place with funky lighting and an appealing craft beer selection, which was right up Fritz's ally.  

Not to mention delicious burgers!!!  Craving satisfied! Thanks Burgerschmiede!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like a good burgers! We had the them last night and Greg has one one his menu, so it's burgers and Pat Karan tonight! And of course you had to sing with him!
