Sunday, October 25, 2015

What's a Döner?

What's a döner (pronounced dune-er) you ask?  Well that is a very good question indeed.  One of the great things about Germany is its relatively close proximity to Turkey.  I'm not necessarily sure the Germans consider this a real plus as there seems to be some subtle prejudice against Turkish people, but regardless of whether or not the Turks are welcome, they bring with them a very distinct cuisine.  One dish in particular has been the subject of Fritz's dining obsession.  The döner!  

And look!  Here he is at a döner stand right now!  Let me describe the process of making a döner for you.  

Step 1: marinate some chicken
Step 2: remove all the bones 
Step 3: stack all the chicken into a 3-foot pile o'chicken
Step 4: shove a pole down the middle of the chicken pile
Step 5: stick the chicken pile pole in front of a fire and make it spin slowly
Step 6: find an electric razor 
Step 7: use the electric razor all day without washing it to shave off slices of the roasted chicken pile 
Step 8: scoop up the chicken shavings out of the metal tray below the chicken pile pole and shove them into some bread
Step 9: throw in some onions, tomatoes, cabbage, and lettuce
Step 10: slop on a bunch of yogurt-based sauce
Step 11: add spices if you want them
Step 12: eat it

pictured above: Guy shaving the chicken pile. 

Tada!!  A döner!!  Fritz is so happy!

Disclaimer: Even though I just made fun of döners for an entire blog post, I am willing to admit that they are really really good! 

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