Friday, October 23, 2015

Momentary Clarity in the Yarn Store

So I've been knitting.  Fritz and I stumbled upon this great yarn shop in our city wanderings last Saturday.  I returned here by myself to get supplies later in the week. 

And it was among these balls of yarn that I thought I had my first German language breakthrough!  The key word here is "thought."

I was carefully considering which ball of yarn to buy when I understood a conversation I was overhearing between two other yarn customers!  I could tell where one word ended and the next word began.  I knew they were talking about colors.  And I heard the one lady say she really loved the blue one!  

And I was like "Oh my goodness!  Two weeks in and this foreign language is starting to click!!"  I couldn't believe it!  My first moment of clarity!

Until I realized...

...the reason I understood was because they weren't speaking German.  They were speaking Spanish.  I got to the counter to pay for my yarn ball and asked, as I usually do, if we could complete the transaction in English.  Ahhhh... some day.  Maybe.


  1. Wow! What beautiful yarns! Aunt Carol would be in her glory!!

  2. Actually I am not Rebecca, I am Mommo! How did that happen?

  3. Hahaha! Some identity issues going on over there! :)

  4. amo este cuento......... i mean........ diese geschichte ist geil!
