Thursday, October 15, 2015

Subway Soul Music

A picture might be worth a 1,000 words, but it will never capture the magic that flowed out of this woman's instrument.  I was bustling through the subway when I was struck still by a stream of enchanting Vivaldi echoing through the underground sanctuary of commuters.  I had to stop.  And as I stood, I noticed I was not the only one taken by the melody she was weaving.  All around me, people were pausing.  Some paused just for a moment, while others stayed.  They leaned up against a wall with the overused disguise of importantly checking their cell phone, but they didn't fool me.  Pretending not to listen so as to avoid the social obligation of dropping a few coins into her open violin case, they snuck sideways glances in her direction to put a face to the beautiful music they were hearing.  I know about these people, because I was one of them.  

But I couldn't stay hidden.  I shamelessly stepped out from behind the large blue column I was hiding behind and smiled at the woman.  She smiled back and I took her picture.  I smiled again and I dropped some coins into her case.  In my smile, I tried to tell her that I loved what she was doing, that her music was warming my soul, and that her work was reminding me that a person should never be too busy to stop when they are graced with something truly beautiful in a most unlikely place.   I don't know if she heard everything my smile was trying to say, but I hope so.  My heart broke as she stroked the last note of the piece.  Perhaps it was all in my mind, but I felt the station stand still for a moment in silent appreciation of the gift that was just given.  She released her bow and I clapped as she tipped her head to me.  The din of the crowded station took over and I ascended to the busy streets above.  


  1. :) Yay classical music buskers!

  2. :) Yay classical music buskers!

  3. It takes one to know one Miss Musician! ;-)

  4. It is amazing how you can feel so out of it and almost alone when everyone around you is speaking a different language but then music breaks through and everyone understands and you are no longer the outsider! I wish this blog could have had an audio so we could have all shared her gift. You words were so descriptive I almost felt the beauty of her music as I read!

  5. Oh thanks Mommo! I wish everyone could have heard her too! It was glorious!
